A Southwestern trim trio in descending sizes brings some warmth to this swingy denim tunic! For easy attachment of the ribbons, the sleeve seams of this ready-to-wear shirt were opened up before stitching. This opening made for a nicer finish when the sleeve was sewn back, instead of lumpy ribbon turned under and stitched. The hems of each sleeve were also taken out to incorporate the frayed, faded edges into the design. Rather than hand-stitching each ribbon on, we used the blanket stitch on the sewing machine in a very small size. A 6-inch metal sewing ruler served as the guide. A contrasting thread color complements each different ribbon. The pocket seemed to quietly ask for a little shout-out, so the corners were unstitched and a piece of the medium-sized trim was placed across the top. Voila! Jazzed up comfy denim for running around!
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