This point d'esprit sat on a big bolt in a small, dimly-lit warehouse fabric store in Dallas. Its soft, weighty drape was too much to let lie. After sifting through patterns, we decided on McCall's 7742 and its many gathers to highlight the mesh. With this mesh-type fabric not being so stable, the search began for a companion piece...or two. To our delight, there was a plaid silk dupioni from "the stash" which coordinated nicely and added variety in texture and design. The floral knit was actually an afterthought, but it carried the task of binding and tying sleeve cuffs quite well. Since we just can't stop ourselves, we topstitched in cordonnet thread using two colors pulled from the plaid, accenting the yoke and cuffs. Puffy little crochet flowers were the final embellishment! They float across the front and over the shoulder to the back, and even pop up at the bottom of the sleeve.
Embroidered flower appliques: Items #TT4029, #TT4030 #TT4031
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